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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

SFTP -- Secure File Transfer Protocol

'Sftp' is a secure version of the File Transfer Protocol (ftp). It uses FTP commands to transfer files securely between accounts, whether the accounts are on the same machine or on different machines, including your home computer, if it is properly configured.

Popoy:~# sftp user@popoy.com

Some standard commands for command line SFTP include:

cd Change the directory on the remote computer
chmod Change the permissions of files on the remote computer
chown Change the owner of files on the remote computer
dir (or ls) List the files in the current directory on the remote computer
exit (or quit) Close the connection to the remote computer and exit SFTP
get Copy a file from the remote computer to the local computer
help (or ?) Get help on the use of SFTP commands
lcd Change the directory on the local computer
lls See a list of the files in the current directory on the local computer
lmkdir Create a directory on the local computer
ln (or symlink) Create a symbolic link for a file on the remote computer
lpwd Show the current directory (present working directory) on the local computer
lumask Change the local umask value
mkdir Create a directory on the remote computer
put Copy a file from the local computer to the remote computer
pwd Show the current directory (present working directory) on the remote computer
rename Rename a file on the remote host
rm Delete files from the remote computer
rmdir Remove a directory on the remote host (the directory usually has to be empty)
version Display the SFTP version
! In Unix, exit to the shell prompt, where you can enter commands. Enter exit to get back to SFTP. If you follow ! with a command (e.g., !pwd), SFTP will execute the command without dropping you to the Unix prompt.


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